The Ilizarov fixator is indicated for trauma induced conditions involving the upper and lower limbs and in all conditions in which mechanical trans-skeletal traction is necessary, such as in comminuted and multi-fragmented fractures, even with loss of bone substance

By avoiding long hospital stays and joint complications resulting from immobilisation, this technique allows a patient to resume his or her usual activities within a few days, with minimum impediment due in the main to the size of the fixator.


The conditions which manifest themselves following bone infections, for which one intervenes with surgical excision of the affected part, can be treated with the use of the Ilizarov fixator, even without transplant surgery or the autologous transplanting of bone fragments:

  • Post-traumatic deformations and outcomes of previous treatments;
  • Pseudarthrosis with or without loss of bone substance;
  • Infected pseudarthroses


Following the cutting of the bone, the Ilizarov fixator allows the limb to be reshaped and stimulates the proper growth of the osseous callus, thus allowing the correction of the deformities and the elongation.

The following are treatable conditions:

  • Achondroplasia or dwarfism;
  • Bone dysplasias;
  • Hemimelia of the lower limb with hypoplasia or aplasia of the fibula;
  • Turner syndrome;
  •  Arthrogryposis;
  • Osseous hypoplasia of the upper limb or aplasia of the radius;
  • Congenital malformations of the foot, such as congenital clubfoot and foot valgus:
  • Congenital malformations of the hand.

Conditions as outcomes of various diseases:

  • Osteoarthritis with limb deformities;
  • Outcomes of poliomyelitis;
  • Outcomes of osseous tuberculosis;
  • Spina bifida;
  • Some cases of spastic paresis and myopathies.